Filters /

Filter Hooks

Hooks provide developers with various access to modify core plugin code by inserting or modifying returned data.

The following filter hooks are available when using the Filters add-on:


This filters provides a method of customizing the returned filter selections of a specific filter by key.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above returns custom filter values ordered by name in ascending order for the category query of the blog filter.

Note: When using this filter you must return both a label and value in the array.


This filter will prepend custom filter options to the start of dynamically populated term list of filters.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will add a ‘Show All’ option to the start of the category filter.

Note: The filter can only be used with Taxonomy, Category and Tag filters when using Radio and Checkbox field types..


This filter will append custom filter options to the end of dynamically populated term list of filters.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will add a ‘Show All’ option to the end of the category filter.

Note: The filter can only be used with Taxonomy, Category and Tag filters when using Radio and Checkbox field types..


This filter will set the title text of a specific filter block.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will set Categories as the title text for the category filter group.

Note: This filter is useful on multilingual sites built with WPML or Polylang where titles are required to be localized across languages. 


This filter will set the label of a filter block.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will set Select a Tag as the label for the tag filter group.

Note: This filter is useful on multilingual sites built with WPML or Polylang where labels are required to be localized across languages. 


This filter will set a default fallback value for a filter block.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will set work and post as fallback post_type value when zero items are selected.

Note: Return values in this hook should (in most cases) directly relate to values already set in the core Ajax Load More shortcode.


This filter will set a default pre-selected value for a filter block and is available for the radio, checkbox and select field types only.

  • id: The unique filter ID.
  • key: The target query parameter (key).
    When filtering by custom field or taxonomy, the key parameter must be the meta_key or taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will set design as the pre-selected category value of the portfolio filter group.

Note: When using this filter you must also set this value in your core Ajax Load More shortcode.


Adds custom classes to select element wrappers. This is useful for users who are using select replacement techniques.


Set a default value of submit button label.


Update the default HTML of each filter title element.


Disable the filter edit button for logged in (admin) users.


Change the default label of the reset/clear button used with the Range Slider field type.


This filter will change the label of the Reset filters button.


This filter will enable all taxonomies (even non-public) to be a option when creating a Taxonomy filter in the Ajax Load More admin. By default, only public taxonomies are displayed.

Term Query Hooks

Taxonomy term and author filters are returned using a set of default query arguments to order terms alphabetically and remove empty options from the listing.

Use the following filter hooks to modify the arguments ( child_of, order, orderby, hide_empty etc.) of an author, category, tag or taxonomy term query.

Author: alm_filters_{id}_author_args

This filter will adjust the arguments of an author query.

  • id: The unique filter ID
The code snippet above will order an author filter listing by login in ascending order.

Note: The author query uses the WordPress core get_users function – all accepted arguments can be used in this filter.

Category: alm_filters_{id}_category_args

This filter will adjust the arguments of a category query.

  • id: The unique filter ID

The following snippet will order a category filter listing by count in ascending order and render empty categories.

Note: The category query uses the core WordPress function get_terms – all accepted arguments can be used in this filter.

Tag: alm_filters_{id}_tag_args

This filter will adjust the arguments of a tag query.

  • id: The unique filter ID
The code snippet above will order a tag filter listing in ascending order.

Note: The tag query uses the core WordPress function get_terms – all accepted arguments can be used in this filter.

Taxonomy: alm_filters_{id}_{key}_args

This filter will adjust the arguments of a custom taxonomy query.

  • id: The unique filter ID
  • key: The target query parameter
    When filtering by taxonomy, the key parameter must be the taxonomy slug value.
The code snippet above will get only the child terms of 18 and order the actor terms in ascending order by URL slug.

Note: The taxonomy query uses the core WordPress function get_terms – all accepted arguments can be used in this filter.

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