Scroll Container
Constraining infinite scroll to a parent container
In this example:
Ajax Load More will infinite scroll content within a specified HTML container.
The scroll_container parameter is used to specify an HTML container that holds an Ajax Load More instance – this allows infinite scrolling to be triggered on the container element and not the browser window.
Ajax Load More 7.2
Query Loop integration, previews, and more future proofing.
Ajax Load More 7.0
Refactoring Ajax Load More for the future.
Tracking Pageviews with Google Analytics 4
Measuring page views automatically with GA4 and Ajax Load More.
Ajax Load More 5.6
A release focused on new features, facet filtering and extending existing functionality.
Note: The scroll_container element must have the proper CSS applied to allow for scrolling.
The following CSS was used to style the scroll_container
#alm-scroll-container {
padding: 15px;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
width: 100%;
max-height: 475px;
CSSThe following shortcode was used to create the Scroll Container example.
[ajax_load_more preloaded="true" preloaded_amount="4" posts_per_page="4" scroll_container="#alm-scroll-container" scroll_distance="10" pause="true" pause_override="true"]
The following Repeater Template was used to create the Scroll Container example.