Filter Hooks

The following core Ajax Load More filters are available to support the modification of query arguments and display settings.

Query Filters


The alm_query_args_{id} filter can be used to modify WP_Query arguments by Ajax Load More instance ID.

The following snippet should be pasted into your theme’s functions.php file.

This filter requires the following 2 step process:

  1. Set Unique ID – Create a unique ID for your ALM instance by setting a value for the id parameter in the shortcode.
    [ajax_load_more id="your_id"]
  2. Add Filter – Create the custom filter and function for this instance by appending the unique ID to the filter name.
    add_filter(‘alm_query_args_your_id’, ‘my_function_name’);

When is this filter useful?

This filter is useful for advanced users who prefer to write custom queries over working with shortcode parameters.

Note: Never modify the offset or paged query parameters – these parameters must be set within the core plugin or results may be undesired.

Dynamic Query Parameters

The following snippet appends a custom Meta Query to fetch events after today by custom field date. The idea with this is this becomes an ever-present query on the specific Ajax Load More instance.

Parsing Querystrings

Build a custom query based on querystring parameters by parsing the URL directly inside the alm_query_args filter.

The following snippet retrieves a category value from a querystring and adds the category parameter to the $args array.


The alm_query_after_{id} filter can be used to modify the results of a WP_Query by Ajax Load More instance ID.


This filter is used to allow for future posts to be displayed for all users. By default, ALM does not allow for future posts to be displayed for non-admin users.


This filter is used to display the Ajax Load More WP_Query arguments in the browser console. Debug data will be returned in a unique entry labeled alm_debug in the browser console.


The alm_disable_noscript_{id} filter can be used to remove the <noscript/> tags that are dynamically generated by the Filters and SEO add-ons.

You can globally disable <noscript/> functionality across all Ajax Load More instances.


The alm_repeater_path filter can be used to change the Repeater Template directory path. By default, Repeater Templates are saved in a alm_templates folder located in the wp-content/uploads directory.

Display Options


This filter is used to add content or HTML after the Ajax Load More container.


This filter is used to add content after the load more .alm-button-wrap button container.


This filter is used to add content before the load more .alm-button-wrap button container.


This filter is used to add content or HTML before the Ajax Load More container.


This filter is used to modify the default Older Posts label on the Ajax Load More button.


This filter is used to add custom HTML classes to the load more button container.


This filter is used to override the global settings for Ajax Load More.


This filter is used to set global defaults for Ajax Load More parameters. These can be overwritten in the shortcode or the alm_render method.


This filter is used to adjust the global transition speeds of Ajax Load More.

Admin Filters


Hide the Ajax Load More license keys on the license entry screen in the WordPress admin.