The REST API extension for Ajax Load More enables compatibility with the WordPress REST API.
Access your website data as JSON through an HTTP REST API and display the results using infinite scroll with Ajax Load More.
How It Works
The REST API extension works by routing the standard Ajax Load More admin-ajax.php requests to API endpoints for data retrieval. The data is returned as JSON, then parsed and displayed using Underscore.js templates on the front end of your website.
Using a GET request, a JavaScript Repeater Template, and a custom REST API endpoint (/wp-json/ajaxloadmore/posts) developed specifically for Ajax Load More, users can access website data and infinite scroll the results using the WP REST API.
REST API Endpoints
The REST API extension comes pre-packaged with a /posts custom endpoint developed to integrate seamlessly with all currently available Ajax Load More Shortcode Parameters – this means you can build your Ajax Load More query as usual and the custom /posts endpoint will handle the display for you without the need for any endpoint development.
Custom Endpoints
Custom REST API endpoints will provide Ajax Load More users the ability to create custom database queries and modify the data returned from these queries without being confined to a set of Shortcode Parameters.
Endpoints can be added for use with Ajax Load More and other applications by simply adding the routes and endpoints directly to the functions.php file in your current theme directory.
Once endpoints have been added to your theme, you can tell Ajax Load More to start referencing them by updating the restapi_base, restapi_namespace, and restapi_endpoint in your shortcode.
Example Endpoint
The following example of a custom route and endpoint will simply grab the latest portfolio custom post type and order the return data by date, desc.
* Custom WP REST API Routes
* @see
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
$my_namespace = 'my_custom_namespace';
$my_endpoint = '/posts';
register_rest_route( $my_namespace, $my_endpoint, array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'my_get_posts_function',
* Custom /posts endpoint for my_custom_namespace
* [ajax_load_more restapi="true" restapi_base="/wp-json" restapi_namespace="my_custom_namespace" restapi_endpoint="my_get_posts_function"]
* @param array $data Options for the function.
* @return json object of post data.
function my_get_posts_function( $data ) {
$response = array();
// Defaults.
$page = $data['page']; // get the current page from ALM !REQUIRED.
$posts_per_page = !empty($data['posts_per_page']) ? $data['posts_per_page'] : 5;
/* Query Arguments */
$args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, // !REQUIRED.
'offset' => $data['offset'] + $page * $posts_per_page, // !REQUIRED.
'post_type' => 'portfolio',
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => 'DESC',
'post_status' => 'publish',
/* Run WP_Query() */
$posts = new WP_Query( $args );
// Create ALM Template Vars []
$alm_item = $page * $posts_per_page;
$alm_found_posts = $posts->found_posts;
$alm_current = 0;
while ( $posts->have_posts() ) : $posts->the_post();
// Get post thumbnail
$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
$thumbnail = '';
if ( $thumbnail_id ) {
$thumbnail_arr = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumbnail_id, 'alm-thumbnail', true);
$thumbnail = $thumbnail_arr[0];
// Build $data JSON object
$data = array(
'alm_page' => $page + 1,
'alm_item' => ( $alm_item++ ) + 1,
'alm_current' => $alm_current,
'alm_found_posts' => $alm_found_posts,
'date' => get_the_time( "F d, Y" ),
'link' => get_permalink(),
'post_title' => get_the_title(),
'thumbnail' => $thumbnail,
'content' => apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ),
$response[] = $data;
endwhile; wp_reset_query();
if ( empty( $response) ) {
return null;
return $response;
PHPNOTE: It’s important to keep the $page
and $posts_per_page
parameters when developing a custom endpoint. These are required for Ajax Load More to correctly offset each query.
Repeater Templates created for use with Ajax Load More and the REST API extension are required to be developed using wp.template, which is a JavaScript templating syntax very similar to Underscore.js.
The REST API extension requires templates to be written in JavaScript as the data returned from API requests will be parsed and displayed on the client side, whereas standard Ajax Load More admin-ajax.php requests are parsed on the server and returned to the client as HTML for display.
Wrapping Templates
JavaScript templates are always defined between a script block with a type=’text/html’ and must contain a unique id (tmpl-[template-name]) for referencing the correct template in the DOM.
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-alm-template">
<!-- Your JavaScript template goes here -->
JavaScriptExample JavaScript (Repeater) Template
The following example transforms the default Ajax Load More PHP/HTML template into a JavaScript template – this template will be repeated for each result returned from the API endpoint.
<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-alm-template">
<li <# if(!data.thumbnail){ #> class="no-img" <# } #>>
<# if(data.thumbnail){ #>
<a href="{{{}}}"><img src="{{{data.thumbnail}}}" alt="{{{data.thumbnail_alt}}}" /></a>
<# } #>
<h3><a href="{{{}}}">{{{ data.post_title }}}</a></h1></h3>
<p class="entry-meta">{{{ }}}</p>
<p>{{{ data.post_excerpt }}}</p>
JavaScriptYou will notice that the only real differences between standard PHP-based templates and JavaScript templates are the opening and closing script block and the {{ data.var }} template tags, which is a WordPress-specific interpolation syntax that’s heavily inspired by Mustache templating.
Before you start templating you’ll want to get familiar with the following template tags:
- {{ data.var }} – used for escaped data.
- {{{ data.var }}} – used for raw data (not escaped).
- <# if() #> – evaluate any JavaScript code.
NOTE: As seen in the example above, all data returned by the REST API extension will be accessed in templates via the data
variable. e.g. {{{ data.post_title }}}
Need Some More Help?
We’ve compiled a list of resources for further reading on developing with wp.template:
- Official WordPress Codex for wp.template
- wp.template for front end templating in WordPress – by Luke Woodward
- Intro to Underscore.js templates in WordPress – by Justin Tadlock
- WordPress underscore template – by Jose M Castaneda
Shortcode Parameters
Use the following shortcode parameters to initiate the REST API and Ajax Load More.
restapi | Enable the WordPress REST API. (true/false) Default = ‘false’ |
restapi_base | The base URL to your installation of the REST API. Default = ‘/wp-json’ |
restapi_namespace | Enter the custom namespace for this Ajax Load More query. Default = ‘ajaxloadmore’ |
restapi_endpoint | Enter your custom endpoint for this Ajax Load More query. Default = ‘posts’ |
restapi_template_id | Enter the ID of your javascript template. |
restapi_debug | Enable debugging (console.log) of REST API responses in the browser console. Default = ‘false’ |
Shortcode Builder
The following screenshot illustrates the process of building a REST API shortcode using the Ajax Load More shortcode builder.

Note: Ajax Load More references restapi_template_id
while looping and displaying data. You must select a repeater template for each instance of Ajax Load More when using the REST API extension.
Example Shortcode[ajax_load_more restapi="true" restapi_base="/wp-json" restapi_namespace="ajaxloadmore" restapi_endpoint="posts" restapi_template_id="alm-template" restapi_debug="true" post_type="post"]
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are common questions regarding the REST API extension. If you have a question and don’t see an answer here, please visit the support page and submit your request.