The Preloaded add-on renders the initial set of posts on the server-side before sending Ajax requests to the server.

When you preload a query with Ajax Load More, you allow the initial result set to be cached, which can reduce stress on your server, improve loading times, and lower the page’s overall CLS.


Some key features of the Preloaded add-on for Ajax Load More.

Improve Performance

Reduce the amount of WordPress ajax-admin requests by preloading the initial data set on the server side.

Faster Processing

Preloaded posts are rendered on the server-side which means the content can be served via cache.

Server-Side Caching

Cache preloaded data on the server-side allowing for faster load times of Ajax Load More content.

Add-on Details

Learn more about the Preloaded add-on.

How It Works

The Preloaded add-on loads the initial set of results using a WP_Query dispatched on the server-side before the browser renders the page.

After this initial server-side query, the remaining posts will be loaded via Ajax requests on the client side(browser) and controlled by Ajax Load More.

Splitting the query into server-side and client-side requests enables Ajax Load More to load data faster and ease the strain on your server by significantly reducing the amount of Ajax requests.

ALM Preloaded diagram


The following example loads the initial two posts with Preloaded on the server-side and then loads the subsequent posts via Ajax request on the client side.

  • Ajax Load More Post Example

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  • Donec ullam corper nulla metus auctor frinel

    Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus...

Shortcode Parameters

Use the following shortcode parameters to initiate the preloading of posts with Ajax Load More.

preloadedShould Ajax Load More preload posts? (true/false) Default = ‘false’
preloaded_amountThe amount of posts to preload. Default = ‘5’

Example Shortcode

The following example will preload four initial posts and then load six additional posts with every Ajax Load More query.

[ajax_load_more preloaded="true" preloaded_amount="2" posts_per_page="4" pause="true" button_label="Older Posts"]


Upon purchase of this add-on you will receive a confirmation/purchase receipt email. Your receipt will contain a direct link for downloading your copy of Ajax Load More: Preloaded and a license key.

After downloading the add-on, upload the unzipped files to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or visit your plugins dashboard and upload the downloaded .zip under Add New.

License Activation

To activate your add-on and receive updates directly in your WordPress plugins dashboard users are required to enter the license key that was included with their purchase receipt.

To activate a license key:

  1. Visit the Licenses section within the Ajax Load More plugin.
  2. Enter the product key and click Activate License.
  3. If the status indicator turns green your add-on has been successfully activated (example below).
License Key Example

If you did not receive a confirmation email containing your license key, please check your spam/junk folder. If you still cannot locate the email, contact me at darren [at] or use the Product Support form.