Responsive Layouts
Predefined responsive layouts for Easy Query templates
In this example:
Easy Query will demonstrate the various templates provided with the Layouts module available only in Easy Query Pro.
Default Layout
The Default layout is the base Easy Query template re-engineered to be fully responsive and adjust to any screen size.
The eq-thumbnail image size is used with the Default layout.
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Curabitur...
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas...
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia...
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod
Donec sed odio dui. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Morbi leo risus, porta...
Call to Action Layout
The Call to Action layout has a classic image and text design. This layout works best in a two or three column grid with bold and beautiful imagery.
The eq-cta image size is used with the Call to Action layout.
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Curabitur...
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas...
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod
Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia...
Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod
Donec sed odio dui. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Morbi leo risus, porta...
Gallery Layout
The Gallery layout will display your posts and content with the look and feel of a traditional photo gallery. This layout succeeds when you have high-quality visuals to accompany your posts.
The eq-gallery image size is used with the Gallery layout.
Photo Layout
The Photo layout will display your posts and content in a white background block, much like an old Polaroid photo. This layout succeeds when you have high-quality visuals to accompany your posts.
The eq-gallery image size is used with the Photo layout.
The following shortcode was used to create the Responsive Layouts example.
[easy_query paging="false" template="template_617110" post_type="easy_query" posts_per_page="4"]
Call to Action
[easy_query paging="false" template="template_685509" post_type="easy_query" posts_per_page="4"]
[[easy_query paging="false" template="template_558724" post_type="easy_query" posts_per_page="4" offset="4"]]
[[easy_query paging="false" template="template_521668" posts_per_page="4" post_type="easy_query" offset="7"]]