
Upon purchase of Easy Query you will receive a confirmation/purchase receipt email. Your receipt will contain a direct link for downloading your copy of Easy Query and a license key.

After downloading, upload the unzipped files to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or visit your plugins dashboard and upload the downloaded .zip under Add New.

License Activation

To activate your add-on and receive updates directly in your WordPress plugins dashboard users are required to enter the license key that was included with their purchase receipt.

To activate your license key:

  1. Visit the License’ section within the Easy Query plugin.
  2. Enter the product key and click Save License.
  3. Click Activate License.
  4. If the status indicator turns green your add-on has been successfully activated (example below).

Easy Query Pro Activation

If you did not receive your confirmation/purchase receipt email and license key, please check your spam/junk folder and if you still cannot locate the email please contact me at darren [@] or use the support form on this website.