Easy Query Layouts provide a library of predefined, unique, and fully responsive layout templates that are ready to be implemented at any time anywhere on your website.
It’s as simple as selecting a layout from four available templates: Default, Call to Action, Gallery, and Photo. Each layout is available for use in a one to three-column grid.

Image Sizes
Easy Query Layouts use three main image sizes in the various templates – each image size is set to fully crop at the dimensions below.
eq-thumbnail | [150px x 150px] – Used with Default layout. |
eq-cta | [800px x 450px] – Used with Call to Action layout. |
eq-gallery | [800px x 650px] – Used with the Gallery and Photo layout. |
If you wish to replace the eq-[name] image size with a custom size from your theme simply update and save the the_post_thumbnail(‘your-image-size-name-here’) function in your Easy Query template.
Pro Tip: Use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to batch process your previously uploaded media library images – don’t forget to back up your site before running the process.
Removing Custom Easy Query Image Sizes
To remove the eq-thumbnail, eq-cta and eq-gallery image sizes, add the following code to your themes functions.php file.
function eq_remove_image_sizes() {
global $EasyQuery;
remove_filter( 'after_setup_theme', array( $EasyQuery, 'eq_image_sizes' ) );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'eq_remove_image_sizes', 1 );
PHPCSS Styling
We’ve done our absolute best to ensure that the CSS written for Easy Query Layouts will integrate seamlessly with your theme. However, every site is different and you may be required to enter some custom CSS to patch compatibility and styling issues that arise.
If you are required to modify the Easy Query CSS, please read through the documentation on loading easy-query.css from your theme directory.