I’m super excited to announce that version 3.0 of our infinite scroll plugin, Ajax Load More was quietly released last Friday. While this release doesn’t offer much in terms of major changes under the hood, it is a sign of big changes coming soon 🙂
This release packs a new extension, new functionality, and visual enhancements to most sections throughout the plugin – I hope you like the new features!
🔥 What’s New in 3.0
Advanced Custom Fields
The latest free extension adds built-in support for Advanced Custom Fields and provides functionality for infinite scrolling Flexible Content, Gallery, Repeater, and Relationship field data with Ajax Load More.

Advanced Custom Fields is an indispensable plugin (in my opinion) and also one of the most popular in the WordPress ecosystem today. Adding support for various field types was high on the priority list for quite some time and I’m super excited to get this shipped.
The extension will allow you to easily access Flexible Content, Gallery, Repeater, and Relationship custom field data from a page, post or custom post type and return the results to Ajax Load More for display.
Theme Repeaters Interface
The Theme Repeaters add-on got a bit of an update with the addition of an admin interface for viewing active theme templates.

This interface gives you a high-level overview of what templates are available for selection, however editing the template directly from this view is not supported.
If you have the Theme Repeaters add-on activated visit the Repeater Template section and click the Theme Repeater tab at the top of the listing.
Extension Installer
Packaged with v3.0 is a plugin installer class for WordPress that provides site admins the ability to install and activate Ajax Load More extensions directly from the Extension section inside the plugin.
I liked the idea of this installer so much, that I decided to release it on Github as its own stand-alone class so other plugin and theme developers could incorporate the functionality into their projects.
Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
- NEW – Added new .alm-loading class to #ajax-load-more container while content is loading. This class will allow for added transition states without needing to bake into core.
- NEW – Adding post__in to the orderby parameter selection in the shortcode builder.
- NEW – Added new post-id data attribute to the ALM container – this will allow access to the current post ID inside the JavaScript.
- Updated – Added support for 4+ unique meta_query queries.
- Updated – Updated cache directory path to reside in uploads/alm-cache directory vs ajax-load-more-cache/cache directory.
- Updated – Updated styling (font size and family) on Load More button.
- FIX – JS error when using multiple filters in Safari (Missing closing ] bracket on data attribute).
- FIX – Missing quote in shortcode builder when using Call to Actions and Theme Reapater add-ons.
- UPDATE – Various UI and UX enhancements.