Block Manager
Remove unwanted blocks and patterns from the WordPress Block Inserter.
Our WordPress plugins are active on over 150,000 websites around the globe. all plugins
Remove unwanted blocks and patterns from the WordPress Block Inserter.
WordPress plugin for infinite scrolling posts with Ajax.
A visual query builder plugin for WordPress.
WordPress plugin for one click photo uploads.
We'll let our users tell the full story!
A really nice full featured plugin with great UI and with high level of customization!
~ EOSloverSo simple to set up, plenty of options, easy to understand instructions, cleanly coded, this really is one of the nicest plugins I've ever seen.
~ gecko_guyDoes what it promises and does it really well. If all WordPress plugins worked as well as this, the internet would be a better place.
~ jenseoThe plugin is great but more importantly they offer amazing support for their product. I highly recommend downloading any of their products!
~ SommersPR-WPThe latest news and product updates. all posts
Refactoring for the Future 🚀.
Measuring page views automatically with GA4 and Ajax Load More.
A release focused on new features, facet filtering and extending existing functionality.