Last Friday, we shipped version 2.8.4 of Ajax Load More and we couldn’t be more excited! This milestone release was in the works for over a month and includes a sparkling new add-on, new core features, UI improvements, and various small bug fixes.
What’s New in 2.8.4
Comments Add-on

After receiving requests for comment support from Ajax Load More users we went ahead and completed the development of a new add-on for users who are looking to add infinite scrolling to their blog comments.
The Comments add-on works by querying an individual blog/single post for user comments. Each comment and itβs replies are returned using the familiar Ajax Load More infinite scroll / lazy load functionality.
Example Shortcode[ajax_load_more comments="true" comments_post_id="'.get_the_ID().'" comments_template="template_3" pause="true" button_label="Load Comments"]
Loading Styles

For quite some time we’ve wanted to enhance and extend the loading styles of Ajax Load More to give users the ability to change/remove the button style in favor of a more traditional infinite scroll look and feel – in 2.8.4 we have done that and we hope you’ll love the new loading options as much as we do?
The new infinite scroll options remove the ‘click’ to load more functionality so make sure you adjust your shortcodes accordingly and allow scrolling to load all posts – by default, the max_pages parameter is set to ‘5’ and should be set to ‘0’.
To check out the new loading styles, visit the Ajax Load More settings panel in your WordPress admin.
Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
- *NEW* Added button_loading_label parameter that adjusts the Load More button text while content is loading.
- *NEW* Adding new alm-thumbnail image size.
- *NEW* Adding new almUrlUpdate() callback function that is dispatched after a successful URL update (pushState) from the Previous Post or the Search Engine Optimization add-on.
- *UPDATE* – Completely rebuilt licensing system. Now using ajax for activation and deactivation. Users will also be notified when their license limit has been reached.
- *UPDATE* – Updating JS functions for release of Previous Post v1.1.
- *UPDATE* – Various admin enhancements and removing deprecated code.
What’s Next?
- Layouts – We have started development of a new add-on that will provide a library of custom, fully responsive layouts. Users will simply select a layout type when building a Repeater Template and the HTML markup, CSS and any other functionality will be handled by Ajax Load More.